
I’m Kayla, and that’s my dog, Theo. I currently live in Death Valley, CA (four hours from Los Angeles), and am from Chicago, IL. I work for the National Park Service and Best Friends Animal Society now, and have worked for Equestrian Connection and Illinois Athletics.

I strive to be zero waste at home, and hope to bring sustainable design to work. Design can be an integral part of educating the public on environmentalism.

I also believe in design for everyone. Accessibility is something that shouldn’t be a negotiation. Producing products that allow every individual to enjoy what they choose, is a cornerstone in my work.

I aim to make these topics totally obtainable. Staying on top of trends, and technology is a pass-time and a priority. I lead with my passion, which makes for good design made for good.

In my free time I am a dog trainer, mentor design students at the University of Illinois School of Art + Design, and take lots of adventures. I look forward to inevitably talking to you about my dog.