


2017 champaign-urbana, illinois


Branding, UI/UX, app design, copy writing, Digital Design, web, PHOTOGRAPHY

Programs + Equipment

Adobe Siute, illustrator, XD, photoshop, bridge, Premiere pro, camera raw, IOS, canon camera equipment

Floating app screens over a yellow background.

The Service

vntr is an application that promotes adventure and wanderlust. It gets people excited about the outdoors. This is an initiative way to take millennials away from the inside, and show them something new and exciting outside. The world is full of so many wondrous hidden secrets right in our backyard.

With vntr, getting to these places is easier than ever, with simple easy to understand navigation in an all inclusive app. Get all the knowledge you need to know about a trip you’re planning or a weekend getaway. With awesome features like GPS and personalized profiles that match your skill level, users will stay safe and help them have the best experience they can.


When building the app, it was important to make the use as simple as possible. At the time of design, there was a huge gap in the market for a adventure app that worked. Most of the apps that are made for the outdoor community puts a major emphasis on hiking and camping. There is no “right” way to enjoy the outdoors besides keeping it clean, so I wanted to make an app that just tells you about places, lets you review them and builds a community users can trust.

The integration would have a profile that felt like a social media, but allowed you to advance in credibility. This would give the community a sense of ownership and accountability for the information that was being shared.

Users could catalog hikes, campsites, cool areas, whatever was worth getting to. You could explore featured content, content by user, or content by area.